Managing a Profile
Users can update their profile information by clicking the My Profile button
in the user menu.
Clicking the link opens the Manage Profile page, as shown below.
Users can type new profile information and complete the update by clicking the Update button.
The Toolkit Settings section allows users to set preferences for RDA Toolkit features. The first option allows users to select their language preference for RDA Toolkit. Users may select between English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, and Spanish. Users may also select "Browser Default", which takes the language setting from that associated with your browser. "Browser Default" is the default language setting. If your browser language setting is not English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, and Spanish, then the English language version will display when "Browser Default" is selected.
The next three options allow users to choose to split documents into pages, automatically synchronize the browse table of contents (TOC) with the text you are viewing, or hide examples in the RDA text. Splitting a document into pages allows for faster loading times and better site performance. This feature is turned on by default. Automatically synching the TOC allows users to more easily identify their location within a large document. The automatic synch will change whenever you click a link within RDA Toolkit, but it will not adjust to scrolling. Hiding the examples allows the user to scroll more quickly through the content. The Hide Examples feature is turned off by default.
The next option in Toolkit Settings allows users to choose which link sets to display in either RDA or AACR2. Currently users can choose to display Anwendungsrichtlinien für den deutschsprachigen Raum (D-A-CH AWR), British Library Policy Statements (BLPS), LC-PCC Policy Statements (LC-PCC PS), Music Library Assoiciation Best Practices (MLA BP), National Library of Australia Policy Statements (NLA PS) or Suomalaisten kirjastojen linjaukset (SKL) in RDA by checking the appropriate box. In AACR2 users can choose to display links to resources found on Cataloger’s Desktop--Cartographic Materials (CM), Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials-Books (DCRMB), Library of Congress Rule Interpretations (LCRI), and MARC--or links to Library and Archives Canada Rule Interpretations (LAC RI), found on the LAC website. The default setting is for all the link sets to display. To suppress the display of a link set, simply uncheck the appropriate box in the Toolkit settings.