All Media Types is used to search all instructions, irrespective of the type of media being described. Audio is used to search instructions and examples that apply specifically to audio media (audio cartridges, audio discs, audiocassettes, etc.). Computer is used to search instructions and examples that apply specifically to computer media (computer cartridges, computer discs, computer cassettes, etc.) and online resources. Microform is used to search instructions and examples that apply specifically to microform media (microfiche, microfilm cartridges, microfilm cassettes, microfilm reels, etc.). Microscopic is used to search instructions and examples that apply specifically to microscopic media (microscope slides, etc.). Projected is used to search instructions and examples that apply specifically to projected media (film cartridges, film cassettes, film reels, filmstrips, slides, etc.). Stereographic is used to search instructions and examples that apply specifically to stereographic media (stereograph cards, stereograph reels, etc.). Unmediated is used to search instructions and examples that apply specifically to media used to store content designed to be perceived directly through one or more of the human senses without the aid of an intermediating device (e.g., print, non-projected graphics, three-dimensional forms). Video is used to search instructions and examples that apply specifically to video media (video cartridges, videocassettes, videodiscs, etc.).