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Policy Statements for Chapter 32: Related Corporate Bodies
LC-PCC PS for 32.1
Related corporate body is a core element for LC and PCC for sequential relationships with immediately preceding and immediately succeeding corporate bodies. See Policy Statement for guidelines on making sequential relationships for ongoing conferences.
These instructions also apply to places established in the name authority file.
Relationships Between Corporate Bodies in MARC Authority Records
MARC field 5XX is used to connect related bodies in authority records. All bodies related with MARC field 5XX must be separately established.
Earlier/later bodies related
110 2#$a American Material Handling Society
510 2#$w b $a International Material Management Society
510 2#$w r $i Successor: $a International Material Management Society
110 2#$a International Material Management Society
510 2#$w a $a American Material Handling Society
510 2#$w r $i Predecessor: $a American Material Handling Society
When the relationship is not directly sequential, information about the exact relationship is not known, or when it has been decided not to record the relationship, a "simple" MARC field 5XX is made—without subfield $w, and without $i to indicate the type of relationship.
Exact relationship between bodies not known or not recorded
110 1#$a Argentina. $b Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería
510 1#$a Argentina. $b Ministerio de Agricultura
510 1#$a Argentina. $b Secretaría de Estado de Agricultura y Ganadería
A simple MARC field 5XX is also used when sequential relationships cannot be made because a corporate body has resumed its earlier name and the decision has been made to use the same authorized access point for all instances of the same name (see Earlier Name Resumed.)
Earlier Name Resumed
Note: Do not confuse bodies resuming an earlier name with situations in which a different corporate body changes its name to the same form of name as that of another corporate body.
When a corporate body resumes an earlier form of name, treat each instance of the name as a separate body, and apply the instructions at Policy Statement to distinguish between authorized access points.
110 2#$a Academia Română (1879-1948)
510 2#$w b $a Academia Republicii Populare Romîne
110 2#$a Academia Română (1990- )
510 2#$w a $a Academia Republicii Socialiste România
Name changed from Academia Română to Academia Republicii Populare Romîne then to Academia Republicii Socialiste România then back to Academia Română
However, when a corporate body belongs to one of the categories listed below, use one authorized access point to represent all instances of the same name, and include a 667 field on the authority record for the resumed name to alert other catalogers that this decision has been made. Include other clarifying information in the 667 note if it is useful.
If a body belonging to one of the categories listed below has already had separate authorized access points created for the earlier and resumed names, it is not required to retrospectively collapse the separate access points into one authorized access point. Examples below do not reflect complete record structure and/or reciprocal records.
A. Bodies of a Type Likely to Be Subject to Frequent Name Changes
When a corporate body is of a type likely to have frequent name changes because of its nature (e.g., firms named after individual members, legislative committees, conferences) use one authorized access point to represent both the earlier and resumed name.
110 1#$a Great Britain. $b Her Majesty's Stationery Office
510 1#$a Great Britain. $b His Majesty's Stationery Office
667 ##$a This corporate body resumed its earlier name; uses name Her Majesty’s Stationary Office or His Majesty’s Stationary Office depending upon the monarch
110 1#$a United States. $b Congress. $b Senate. $b Committee on Public Lands
510 1#$a United States. $b Congress. $b Senate. $b Committee on Public Lands and Surveys
510 1#$a United States. $b Congress. $b Senate. $b Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs
667 ##$a This corporate body resumed its earlier name; the name Committee on Public Lands was used from 1816-1921 and 1947-1948. In 1921 it was replaced by the Committee on Public Lands and Surveys and in 1948 it was replaced by the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs.
111 2#$a IEEE Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts
511 2#$a IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts $d (2008 : $c Taipei, Taiwan)
667 ##$a This conference resumed its earlier name; the name IEEE Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts was used 2005-2007 and 2009-present. The name IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts was used in 2008.
B. Place Names
When a place resumes its earlier name, use the same authorized access point for both the earlier and resumed name provided the additions to the authorized access point are appropriate for each instance (seePolicy Statement
151 ##$a Topeka (Kan.)
551 ##$a Google (Kan.)
667 ##$a This place resumed its earlier name; city’s name changed from Topeka to Google for a month, then resumed name Topeka.
151 ##$a Google (Kan.)
551 ##$a Topeka (Kan.)
City’s name changed from Topeka to Google for a month, then resumed name Topeka.
151 ##$a Saint Petersburg (Russia)
551 ##$a Leningrad (R.S.F.S.R.)
667 ##$a This place resumed its earlier name; Leningrad resumed the name Saint Petersburg in 1991.
151 ##$a Leningrad (R.S.F.S.R.)
551 ##$a Saint Petersburg (Russia)
Note: also reflects change of name of the larger place (see Policy Statement for
Note that GNIS and BGN treat earlier forms of name as variant names.
 Antelope (Approved); Rajneesh (Variant)
authorized access points
151 ##$a Antelope (Or.)
551 ##$a Rajneesh (Or.)
667 ##$a This place resumed its earlier name; city’s name changed from Antelope to Rajneesh, then resumed name Antelope in 1985.
670 ##$a City of Antelope website, viewed Dec. 3, 2015 $b (Antelope; established in 1863 by Howard Maupin ; the town was renamed Rajneesh after Mohan Chandra Rajneesh; on Nov. 6, 1985, the town residents voted to rename the town Antelope)  
151 ##$a Rajneesh (Or.)
551 ##$a Antelope (Or.)
670 ##$a City of Antelope website, viewed Dec. 3, 2015 $b (Antelope; established in 1863 by Howard Maupin ; the town was renamed Rajneesh after Mohan Chandra Rajneesh; on Nov. 6, 1985, the town residents voted to rename the town Antelope)  
C. Bodies with Complex and Uncertain Histories
If a body has had a complex or uncertain history, and creating and applying separate authorized access points for each use of the same name is not feasible, use the same authorized access point for both the earlier and resumed name.
110 2#$a Church of England
510 2#$a United Church of England and Ireland
667 ##$a This corporate body resumed its earlier name; the Church of England and the Church of Ireland merged to form the United Church of England and Ireland around 1800. The United Church of England and Ireland split into two churches around 1869 with each church resuming its earlier name.
There are over 1,600 NARs associated with the Church of England
110 2#$a Republican National Committee (U.S.)
510 2#$a National Union Executive Committee (U.S.)
667 ##$a This corporate body resumed its earlier name; the Republican National Committee began in 1856.  It used the name National Union Executive Committee beginning in 1864 until sometime around 1868.
All the library’s resources using the name National Union Executive Committee have supplied probable publication dates
Earlier Names Not Likely to be Needed as Relationships
In some circumstances, research will indicate that the corporate body being established had earlier names that are not likely ever to be needed as access points in bibliographic records. If a decision is made not to create separate authority records for these earlier names, record them in the source citation along with an indication that separate records were not needed, such as "[no publications in LC database]" or "[no access point found in OCLC]."
110 2#$a Tucker Manufacturing & Engine Company
670 ##$a Tucker Mfg. & Engine Co. … 1992: $b cover (Tucker Manufacturing & Engine Company, Arlington, Va.) pref. (Tucker Manufacturing Company [no publications in LC database] formed in 1879; Tucker interests combined in 1936 to form single firm known as Tucker Manufacturing & Engine Company)