Policy Statements for Chapter 24: General Guidelines on Recording Relationships between Works, Expressions, Manifestations, and Items
LC-PCC PS for 24.4.1

LC practice/PCC practice: Do not give the identifier alone.
LC-PCC PS for 24.6

Scope of Policy Statement
LC practice: LC does not give "controlled" access points for series in new LC original cataloging bibliographic records, does not update series access points in existing bibliographic records, and does not consult, make, or update series authority records. LC will "pass through" the series information already in bibliographic records used by LC as copy.
PCC practice: Searching for series authority records, tracing the series, and the creation and maintenance of series authority records are optional.
All the material in the remainder of this Policy Statement assumes the series decision recorded on the series authority record is to "trace" the series. Unless a specific category is mentioned, the term "series" in this Policy Statement means any of these comprehensive items: monographic series, other serial, multipart monograph, integrating resource.
See RDA 2.12
and associated Policy Statement
for information about series statements.

A. Numbering Grammatically Integrated with Series Title
If the numbering, etc., of the series volume is grammatically integrated with the series title, in the MARC 8XX
field omit the numbering from the title and record it in subfield $v

B. More Than One System of Numbering
If more than one system of numbering is transcribed in the series statement, in the MARC 8XX
field subfield $v give the numbering in the system specified in the series authority record.

C. Presentation of Numbering Varies
When recording the numbering practice in MARC field 642
of the series authority record, if the same series numbering is presented differently (e.g., with a caption and without) in different parts of resources within a series, select the form found in the first or earliest issue or part available of the series according to the order of preference given in RDA
. If different forms of numbering appear in that source, or no numbering is found in that source, record one of the presentations; generally prefer the fuller form (e.g., prefer a form with a caption over one without).

D. Series Numbering Practice in Existing Authority Records
Generally accept the numbering practice recorded in the 642 field
of an existing record. When upgrading an AACR2 series authority record to RDA or revising an existing RDA authority record change the numbering practice only if strong evidence exists to change it (e.g., the cataloger has evidence from an earlier part than the part that was the basis for identification when the series was originally established). Do not revise the series numbering example in the absence of such evidence.

Do not change the series numbering practice to include a chronological designation that was omitted under AACR2 (see Policy Statement for

E. Numbering Errors
If the number in the series statement was incorrect and the correct number was given in a note, give the correct number in the series authorized access point.
F. Number Preceded by One or More Letters
When the numbers of issues or parts in the same series are preceded by a letter or letters varying from issue to issue, omit the letter or letters from the MARC 8XX
subfield $v.

When the only information available is from the one issue in hand, assume all items in that series will have the same letter(s) preceding the number until differing information is available. Record the letter(s) in MARC 8XX
subfield $v.

G. Numbering for Publications of the U.S. Congress and Other Legislatures
In series authorized access points for publications of the U.S. Congress, give the numbering relating to the numbering of the Congress and Session as the first part of MARC 8XX
subfield $v, followed by the number of the publication within that Congress and Session.

Transcribe the information for series publications of other legislatures as above if the situations are the same.
H. Main Series and Subseries
Main series is unnumbered.
Do not give a separate authorized access point for the main series unless the main series has already appeared by itself on other publications. Instead, give one series authorized access point for the main series/subseries combination.
If the main series appears on a later publication without any subseries, at that point construct an authorized access point for the main series separately and give this access point in the bibliographic record for this publication and any other publication showing only the main series. However, if later publications show both the main series and a subseries, use as the series authorized access point the form with the main series/subseries combination.
Main series is numbered. Give two series authorized access points: one for the main series and one for the main series/subseries combination.
Hierarchy of numbered and unnumbered main series/subseries. If a hierarchy of main series and multiple subseries is involved and only some are numbered, treat each according to the numbering status of the main series.
I. One or Several Series Authorized Access Points
Language editions
Numbered series. Distinguish between series that are issued in two or more parallel editions (i.e., complete editions in each language for which separate authorized access points for each expression are appropriate) and those that are issued variously in two or more languages but for which no complete edition of the series exists in any language. If separate editions do not exist, construct a single series authorized access point, basing it on the first or earliest item in the series. If the first/earliest item itself is issued in several languages, choose the language of the preferred title proper according to RDA
. In case of doubt, assume that a single edition exists.

Unnumbered series. If the language of the title proper of the series varies, generally construct series authorized access points for each language form; give MARC 5XX fields
for the other language forms.

Changes in numbering (addition, omission, etc.)
Consider that a single series exists if some issues are numbered, but one or more issues are unnumbered. Numbered/unnumbered issues are part of the same aggregate work, and use the same authorized access point. If separate series authority records for numbered and unnumbered versions of the same series are encountered in the database, cancel the record with the qualifier (usually “(Unnumbered)”) but occasionally “(Numbered)”) and merge useful information from it into the remaining record following the normal NACO procedures for duplicates.
Also consider that a single series exists if a numbered series begins a new sequence of numbering either with or without wording such as “new series.” (See RDA

When distinguishing between two series with different content but the same preferred title, avoid using the terms "numbered" and "unnumbered" as qualifiers. (See Policy Statement for, Serials (Including Numbered and Unnumbered Monographic Series.)

Different carrier/media types
For the following variations, consider that a single series exists, unless there is evidence showing that they are in fact separate series:
If the media type varies or changes within the series.
If the carrier type varies or changes within the series
If all parts of the series are each published in two or more media or carrier types.
If warranted, add information on the authority record or records explaining the variation.
If separate series authority records are encountered in the database for versions of the same series that have different media or carrier types, retain only one of the records and cancel the remaining ones. Merge useful information from the cancelled records into the remaining record following the normal NACO procedures for duplicates.
J. Nonconsecutive Numbering and Bibliographic Access Points
If a series authorized access point associated with a resource has nonconsecutive numbering, record the numbering of all parts giving nonconsecutive numbers in separate 8XX fields instead of in a single 8XX field. Do not use the “etc.” technique. For legacy data where the numbering is given in one field, the cataloger is encouraged to create separate 8XX fields each with one number or series of consecutive numbers.
830 #0 | $a Controversial advances in Midwest serials librarianship ; $v v. 1-3. |
830 #0 | $a Controversial advances in Midwest serials librarianship ; $v v. 5. |
830 #0 | $a Controversial advances in Midwest serials librarianship ; $v v. 7. |

PCC practice: Record numerals in series numbering in the authorized access point as Arabic numerals. Abbreviate terms used as part of the numbering as instructed in RDA Appendix B
. Substitute one form of abbreviation with the prescribed abbreviation. If Appendix B does not provide an abbreviation in the language of the series, base the caption for the authorized access point on the form found on the resource; prefer the abbreviated form if the resource has both an abbreviated and spelled-out form.

490 1# | $a ... ; $v tome III |
830 #0 | $a ... ; $v t. 3. |
490 1# | $a ... ; $v volume VIII, number 2 |
830 #0 | $a ... ; $v v. 8, no. 2. |
When upgrading SARs from AACR2 to RDA, do not change the numbering pattern or caption practice in the MARC field 642
, unless it is clearly wrong. In particular, do not change an established pattern to include a chronological designation that was omitted under AACR2. If there is an actual change from one numbering sequence to another numbering sequence, add an additional MARC field 642
. Follow the established numbering pattern in access points for new bibliographic records as well, even if it does not agree with the transcription.

From series authority record
642 ## | $a no. 150 |
From bibliographic record
490 1# | $a Aperture, $x 0003-6420 ; $v no. 211 (summer 2013) |
830 #0 | $a Aperture (San Francisco, Calif.) ; $v no. 211. $x 0003-6420 |
For SARs being established for the first time under RDA, include both the numbering and chronology in the 642. Be certain not to confuse a chronological designation with a publishing date.
When recording both a numeric and/or alphabetic designation and a chronological designation, include parentheses around the chronological designation.
From series authority record
642 ## | $a 1 (2016) |
From bibliographic record
490 1# | $a Quaderni di Napoli nobilissima ; $v 1 (2016) |
830 #0 | $a Quaderni di Napoli nobilissima ; $v 1 (2016) |