LC-PCC PS for 2.12

LC practice/PCC practice: Transcribe in the series statement the information for any comprehensive publication (monographic series, other serial, multipart monograph, integrating resource) of which the resource being cataloged is a part. Unless a specific category is mentioned, the term "series" in any Policy Statement for RDA 2.12 instructions refers to any of these comprehensive publications.
This general Policy Statement addresses situations in which a series statement should be given in a bibliographic record. See Policy Statement 6.27.1
for information about authorized access points for series. See RDA 24.6
and Policy Statement 24.6
about numbering in the authorized access point for series.

[Note: The MARC coding of the examples in this Policy Statement illustrates the PCC option to give series authorized access points.]
Series or Phrases
LC practice/PCC practice: Distinguish between phrases that are true series and those that are not, with the latter sometimes included elsewhere in the bibliographic record (e.g., given as a quoted note) and sometimes not transcribed at all. A decision on series vs. phrase does not apply to such specific information as publishers' and plate numbers for printed music or publishers' stock numbers for sound recordings; such numbers are addressed in RDA 2.15.2
and RDA 2.15.3

PCC practice: If a decision concerning the phrase has not been recorded in the LC/NACO authority file, base the current decision primarily on judgment. The guidelines below apply to some common situations; it is not a closed list. Generally, make series authority records (SARs) for categories 1) through 5) if your institution does series authority work.
If the phrase is essentially an unnumbered statement of the name of the body from which the item emanates, reject it as a series. Give the phrase as a quoted note if the name of the emanating body is not given elsewhere in the bibliographic record (e.g., as the name of the publisher, in a note for the issuing body).
in source
An American Astronautical Society Publication | |
264![]() | $a San Diego, Calif. : $b Published for the American Astronautical Society by Univelt, $c 1992. |
Reject the phrase as a series; do not give it as a quoted note
Reject the phrase as a series; give it as a quoted note
If the phrase is essentially a numbered statement of the name, initialism/acronym, or part of the name of the body from which it emanated and that body is not a commercial publisher, transcribe the information in the series statement.
If the phrase is essentially a numbered/unnumbered statement of the commercial publisher or includes a sub-imprint name or name of a subsidiary, a division, etc., of a publishing firm, reject it as a series. Give the phrase as a quoted note if the name is not given as the name of the publisher.
in source
DAW Books No. 761 | |
264![]() | $a New York : $b DAW Books, $c 1991. |
Reject the phrase as a series; do not give it as a quoted note
in source
A Raccoon Pamphlet | |
264![]() | $a Memphis, Tenn. : $b Raccoon Books, $c 1982. |
Reject the phrase as a series; do not give it as a quoted note
Reject the phrase as a series; give as a quoted note
If the phrase includes the name of an in-house editor or the name or designation of some other official of the firm, etc., reject it as a series. Give the phrase as a quoted note.
If a named lecture series appears on the item as a series title, i.e., it is not extracted from another context (e.g., other title information, prefatory material) and it has or is likely to have data that remain constant from issue to issue, treat the name of the lecture series as a series title. In case of doubt, do not treat the name as a series. If the name is rejected as a series, record the name in the MARC 245
field or give the name with associated data in a quoted note.

245![]() | $a From morality to religion : $b being the Gifford lecture delivered at the University of St. Andrews, 1938 / $c ... |
245![]() | $a Lincoln--an immortal sign : $b the first lecture in the Lincoln sesquicentennial lectures, The enduring Lincoln / $c ... |
500![]() | $a "Stephanos Nirmalendu Ghose lectures on comparative religion, 1972-73"--3rd preliminary page |
Do not treat as a series a number that cannot be associated with a series title. Generally, do not treat as a series a combination of letters or letters and numbers that cannot be associated with a series title if there is evidence that the combination is assigned either to every item the entity issues for control purposes or to certain groups of items for internal control or identification. Give the information as a quoted note; however, do not give the note on a bibliographic record for a serial because such a number usually varies from issue to issue.
If the phrase is a slogan, motto, prize, etc., reject it as a series. Give it as a quoted note if it appears on the preferred source of information.
in source
25 años de paz |
Reject the phrase as a series
in source
Workers of the whole world, unite! |
Reject the phrase as a series
in source
Premio Casa de la Américas 1994 |
Reject the phrase as a series
If an unnumbered genre/characterizing word in the singular form or plural form having singular meaning (e.g., "Novel," "Mystery," "Témoignage," "Essai," "Piano solo," "Graphics," "Multimedia") appears only on the cover or container, reject it as a series. Generally, do not give it as a quoted note.
If an unnumbered phrase indicating a broad subject or category (e.g., "Computers," "Etiquette," "Contemporary history," "Educational software") appears only on page 4 of cover, on the cover flaps, or on the container, reject it as a series; the phrase is provided by the publisher/manufacturer for retail stores, etc. Generally, do not give it as a quoted note.
If the publisher's listing is subdivided into broad categories, generally do not consider the captions to be series titles unless (a) the same phrases appear elsewhere in the resource as series titles, (b) the phrases include a word such as "series," "library," "collection," etc., or (c) there is other evidence of intent to consider the captions to be series titles (e.g., the titles listed under each caption are numbered sequentially). Generally, do not give as quoted notes.
in source
Romans et nouvelles |
Listing of six titles with authors - no numbering
Théorie et essays |
Listing of four titles with authors - no numbering
Reject both captions as series titles: words do not appear elsewhere as series titles
in source
Vocal solos |
Listing of nine titles - no numbering
Choral arrangements |
Listing of ten titles - no numbering
Dance orchestrations |
Listing of three titles - no numbering
Reject all captions as series titles: words do not appear elsewhere as series titles
Selected Issues of Periodicals Published Separately
LC practice/PCC practice: Several publishers (e.g., Haworth Press, Pergamon Press) publish separate hardcover or softcover editions of selected issues of their periodicals.
Do not consider such a separately published issue to constitute an integral part of the periodical, i.e., do not consider it an analyzable issue of the periodical. In the bibliographic record for the separately published issue, give the pertinent information as a note, not as a series statement.
500![]() | $a Published also as v. 17, no. 1/2, 1993 of the Cataloging and classification quarterly. |
Supplements and Special Numbers to Serials
LC practice/PCC practice:
for updated instructions for Supplements and Special Numbers to Serials.

Supplements. Treat a supplement or a special number to a serial as a series.
in source
Supplement to Word | |
monograph number 3 | |
490![]() | $a Supplement to Word ; $v monograph number 3 |
in source
Journal of Ultrastructure Research | |
Supplement 7 | |
490![]() | $a Journal of ultrastructure research. Supplement ; $v 7 |
in source
Special number of Malaysian journal of tropical geography | |
490![]() | $a Special number of Malaysian journal of tropical geography |
in source
Supplemento all'Annuario statistico italiano | |
490![]() | $a Supplemento all'Annuario statistico italiano |
in source
Allegato al n.7/85 di Musica jazz | |
490![]() | $a Allegato al n.7/85 di Musica jazz |
Series Title Grammatically Connected to Title of Resource
LC practice/PCC practice: If the series title is grammatically linked to the title proper of the manifestation being cataloged, do not separate the series title from the latter. Record the grammatically-linked title as the title proper of the manifestation; record information in the series statement only if the series title is presented separately in another source in the resource.
title on title page
Case Presentations in Heart Disease |
another source lists titles
Case Presentations in Arterial Disease, Case Presentations in Clinical Geriatric Medicine, Case Presentations in Endocrinology and Diabetes, Case Presentations in Gastrointestinal Diseases, etc. |
Motion Pictures, Television Programs, and Videorecordings
LC practice: LC uses the cataloging manual Archival Moving Image Materials (AMIM) for its moving image materials cataloging. This manual has different guidelines from those in RDA about the choice and construction of titles proper and series titles.
PCC practice: Use RDA when cataloging motion pictures, television programs, and videorecordings. Do not request changes in LC's bibliographic records for motion pictures, television programs, and videorecordings.